2022 Vermont Maple Syrup Season
Winter in Vermont will not quite let go. The 2 week forecast has several nights below zero and very few days above freezing. Over the last 3 days we have gotten 8" of snow. Typically, this time of year there is a break in the temperature in sight. However, this is proving to be an "old-fashioned sugaring season", where sap runs don't start until after town meeting day, or even until mid march. We had a few days in February that were fairly warm, this allowed up to tap all of our trees, trouble shoot any leaks in sap lines, and ensure everything was ready to run for the sugaring season. We even had the opportunity to run the evaporator for a few hours with one small sap run, but we didnt get quite enough to make syrup. This process is what we call "sweetening the pans". The first time of the year when you fill the evaporator the sap is all very low sugar content, and it takes some boiling to get the front syrup pans full of almost syrup. The next time it warms up and we fire up the evaporator we should be making lots of fresh Organic Vermont Maple Syrup.